At New City Primary School, we value the role that computing will undoubtedly play in our children’s adult lives. We deliver our computing programme of study from Nursery to Year 6, supported by the Teach Computing scheme of work. Through the study of Computing, children will be able to develop a wide range of fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding that will actually equip them for the rest of their life. Computers and technology are such a part of everyday life that our children would be at a disadvantage would they not be exposed to a thorough and robust Computing curriculum. Children must be taught in the art form of ‘Computational Thinking’ in order to provide them essential knowledge that will enable them to participate effectively and safely in the digital world beyond our gates. Online safety is intertwined into the units taught, and is carefully planned to ensure that the children are learning about the implications of technology in a real-life context.
Children in our Early Years provision will be exposed to the understanding of internet safety as they explore the world around them and how technology is an everyday part of their learning and understanding of the world. This is by familiarising themselves with technology at home and in the classroom. Activities are planned whether children use technology for videos, songs and taking pictures, this further helps them to see how things work and what happens when they press a button.
Children in Reception learn that technology can be used to watch videos and look at images. They further use the internet to explore images online and find out facts. Children are taught how to stay safe online and keep passwords private.
Year 1
In Autumn, Year 1 understand that technology is something that helps us in our everyday life to be more efficient/productive. Children start to explore different parts of a computer and use them to write. In Spring, children use ScratchJr to give a command to a sprite and explain what the outcome would be. In Summer, children use paint to create different mark making using freehand tools.
Year 2
In Autumn, Year 2 recognised the use and features of information technology. Using this knowledge, they can explain and carry out the process of taking a photograph. In Spring, children develop a wide range of knowledge of different commands they can use on Scratch. They will use this understanding of blocks to meet the design criteria for a game. In Summer, children will record and compare data in a tally chart.
Year 3
In Autumn, Year 3 defined the terms input and output and were able to identify objects which are inputs and objects. They developed an understanding of how to change font styles, size and colours on the computer. In Spring, children explained how objects in Scratch have attributes and defined what this meant. They further learnt how to choose the correct key for the correct action while creating a program. In Summer, children used their knowledge of Scratch to predict an animation.
Year 4
In Autumn, Year 4 understood how information is shared across the internet. This knowledge helped them understand that not all images online are true. In Spring, children used Scratch to create a code snippet for a given purpose as well as learn how to modify a set of codes. By Summer, children identified that sensors are input devices and these devices can be used to record sound.
Year 5
In Autumn, Year 5 understood how computers are connected whilst recognising that video can be both audio and visual. In Spring, children built a simple circuit to connect a microcontroller to a computer as well as identify, modify and recall how conditions are used. By Summer, they can order, sort and group data cards.
Year 6
In Autumn, Year 6 learnt about how to use a search engine to find information and pictures. Using their understanding of the internet, they can identify features of a webpage and use this knowledge to create their own. In Spring, children are able to define a variable as something that is changeable. They used scratch to create a program to run on a controllable device. By Summer, children can confidently identify questions which can be answered using data. They also learn how to use a computer to create and manipulate 3D objects.
Computing at New City Spring 2024
At New City, we have a wide range of collaborative project work occurring across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
In Year 1, the children have been learning how to type and edit fonts on a computer. They had a lot of fun exploring how to change the colour and add effects. Year 2 have been developing their photography skills and have learnt how to take a great photo by focusing and positioning. Once they took their photos, they learnt about the ways they can edit the photos by cropping or adding filters. Year 3 have been learning about desktop publishing, and deciding when it is appropriate to use images over text. In Year 4, the children have looked at photo editing and identified which photos are real and which have been edited. This is linked to their understanding of mental wellbeing. In Year 5, children explored how to create and edit their own videos as well as storing, retrieving and exporting recordings. Year 6 looked at creating their own web page linking to their history topic, ‘The Mayans’.
Useful Links
- Scratch (Online)
- CBBC Stay Safe
- eSafety
- Minecraft Code Hour
- Simon Singh Black Chamber
- Alan Turing: Founder of Modern Computing
- Debugging: Intro
- Childnet