At New City we aim to produce lifelong learners of Mathematics with a passion for the subject. We use a mastery based curriculum aimed to inspire and challenge our children. Our lessons meet the objectives of the National Curriculum by providing opportunities to investigate, reason and problem solve. We also aim to create cross curricular links by applying our knowledge of Maths in other subject areas, for example: creating graphs and tables in Science, reading coordinates in Geography and calculating periods of time in Physical Education.
Each lesson gives children opportunities for ‘intelligent practice’ where they can improve their fluency of concepts and strategies and become more confident mathematicians. We also ensure our lessons are engaging by creating real life contexts that help children see Maths as a life skill.
At New City we also encourage our children to explain their Mathematics, which allows them to deepen their understanding as well as demonstrate their learning. We also promote the use of concrete resources across the whole school in order to embed and enhance an understanding of the foundations of mathematical knowledge.
Times Table Challenge!!
Do you know all your times tables? Can you recite them in any order? Do you know your division facts? We at New City challenge you to learn all your times tables and achieve your awards.
To achieve the:
Bronze Award = You need to know your 1, 2, 5 and 10 multiplication facts.
Silver Award = You need to know your 3, 4, 9, 11 as well as 1, 2, 5, and 10 multiplication facts.
Gold Award = You need to know your 6, 7, 8, 12 as well as 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 9, 10 and 11 multiplication facts.
Platinum award = You need to know your square numbers, cube numbers, square roots, divisibility rules, prime numbers and fraction, decimals and percentage equivalents.
Get Practicing!!
Useful websites
My Maths
BBC Bitesize
Please click here to see how the Singapore mathematics model is explained